
Opéra de Paris Bastille
Royal Opera Covent Garden
Oper Frankfurt
Opéra de Bordeaux
Grand Théâtre de Genève
Teatro Liceu Barcelona
De Nederlandse Opera Amsterdam
Stadttheater Basel
New Israeli Opera Tel Aviv
Theater und Philharmonie Essen
Wiener Operntheater
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Seattle Opera
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Salzburger Festspiele
Festival d’Art Lyrique d’Aix-en-Provence
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National Symphony, Kennedy Center
American Symphony Orchestra, Carnegie Hall
Los Angeles Philharmonic, Hollywood Bowl
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Covent Garden (commercial DVD)
Stunt Reel 5
Behind The Masks
The Royal Opera House
Wirklich Mozart gerecht wurde nur Pedrillo von Doug Jones: hier wächst ein Tenorbuffo von Graden heran.
“Only Pedrillo by Doug Jones really did justice to Mozart: a tenor buffo of degrees grows up here.”
- Abduction from the Seraglio; NÖN, Vienna
Die Höhepunkt folgten nach der Pause. Doug Jones interpretierte die Tenorpart dermaßen intensiv, daß man an Brittens Lieblings-sänger Peter Pears erinnert fühlte: höhensicher, expressive and leidenschaftlich. Eine Aufführung von Schallplattenreife, ungeheuer beeindruckend, faszinierend sogar.
“The climax followed after the break. Doug Jones interpreted the tenor part so intensely that one felt reminiscent of Britten’s favorite singer Peter Pears: secure high notes, expressive and passionate. A performance ready to be recorded, immensely impressive, fascinating even.”
- Nocturne (Britten); Kleine Zeitung, Vienna
Allen voran der wendige Doug Jones als stimmlich wie darstellerisch ideale Besutzung des vermeintliche Revisors.
“First and foremost, the nimble Doug Jones as the vocally and physically ideal casting of the supposed auditor.”
- Der Revisor; Orpheus, Vienna
Bei den Sängern herrscht ein gleichmäßig gehobenes Niveau: besonders Doug Jones setzt sich recht mühelos als endzeitlich gestimmter Kong durch.
“The singers have an evenly elevated level: Doug Jones in particular is quite effortlessly winning as an end-time-tuned Kong.”
- Die Zweite Mrs. Kong; Süddeutsche Zeitung, Vienna
Das Ensemble betreibt akustische wie optische Akrobatik, und nur irgendetwas benörgeln zu wollen, wäre Niedertracht. Vor allem Doug Jones (Piet vom Faß) und Martin Winkler (Nekrotzar) sind fabelhafte Sing-darsteller.
“The ensemble engages in acoustic and visual acrobatics, and just wanting to do something would be disdain. Especially Doug Jones (Piet vom Faß) and Martin Winkler (Nekrotzar) are fabulous singing actors.”
- Le Grande Macabre; Die Neue Zeit, Vienna
On ne citera ici que le ténor américain Doug Jones, qui hérite du rôle ingrat de l’idiot de la farce (Vasek), et qui transforme en un personage complexe, nuancé, embelli par sa détresse.
“We will mention only the American tenor Doug Jones, who inherits the ungrateful role of the idiot of (the) farce (Vasek), and who transforms (it) into a complex personage, nuanced, embellished by his distress.”
- The Bartered Bride; Le Nouveau Quotidien, Geneva
American tenor Doug Jones offered an engaging and endearing portrait of the stammering village fool Vasek, and in the process revealed not only a lovely lyric tenor voice, but a genuine comic gift.
- The Bartered Bride; Opera Today, Baltimore
Brillant agierten auch Doug Jones als Tanzmeister.
“Brilliantly acted also Doug Jones as the dance master.”
- Ariadne auf Naxos; Frankfurter Allgemein, Germany
Ein idealer rührender Musicalheld Candide mit hübschen, gepflegt und stilvoll geführten Tenor ist Doug Jones.
“An ideal touching musical hero Candide with a pretty, well-groomed and stylishly conducted tenor is Doug Jones.”
- Candide; Tiroler Tageszeitung, Innsbruck
Herauszuheben aus der übrigen Besetzung bleibt noch der klangschön singende und klar artikulierte Junge Diener von Doug Jones.
“To stand out from the rest of the line-up is the beautifully singing and clearly articulated Young Servant of Doug Jones.”
- Elektra; Orpheus, Frankfurt
Rapscallions Pistol …. And especially Bardolph (Doug Jones), being good vocally and dramatically alike, bring a touch of farcical rudeness into this rather stale production.
- Falstaff; The Jerusalem Post, Tel Aviv
…. And the two spies, Doug Jones and Graciela Araya, who enrich the milieu for most of the opera with their laughably intense behavior.
- Der Rosenkavalier; The Opera Critic, Seattle
Doug Jones gibt einen stimmlich wie figürlich schönen Telemaco.
“Doug Jones gives a Telemaco that is beautiful vocally and physically.”
- Il Ritorno d'Ulisse; Orpheus, Geneva
… (le) trio à l’italien parfois empêtré, mais d’une remarquable aisance scénique – suivre Doug Jones, excellent ténor de caractère.
“… (the) Italian trio sometimes entangled, but of remarkable stage ease – led by Doug Jones, excellent character tenor.”
- Turandot; ConcertoNet, Paris
As Monostatos, the excellent tenor Doug Jones offers adroit comic timing in a portrayal that bypasses some common stereotypes.
- The Magic Flute; Seattle Times
Likewise, tenor Doug Jones comically amps up his turn as Monostatos while never forsaking his very good vocal performance.
- The Magic Flute; Austin Statesman
C’est d’ailleurs le cas de l’ensemble dont se détache, mais il chant peu, par son attitude très bien étudiée, le ténor de caractère Doug Jones, à l’aise et campant un Monostatos d’une réalité et d’une truculence admirable. Mais les anglais ont toujours eu une sensibilité théâtrale de haut niveau.
“This is also the case of the ensemble from which stands out, although he sings little, by his very well-studied attitude, the character tenor Doug Jones, at ease and camping; a Monostatos of reality and an admirable comedy. But the English [sic] have always had a high level of theatrical sensitivity.”
- The Magic Flute; Le Commercial, Toulouse
… And Doug Jones’s Goro was finely characterised and sung.
- Madame Butterfly; Belfast Telegraph
…. and he is outplayed by Doug Jones’s sparky Tobias Ragg, perhaps the only performer here who would cut the mustard on Broadway.
- Sweeney Todd; The Sunday Times, London
… and Doug Jones’s Tobias are high-definition performances that seem to have wandered in from a different artform.
- Sweeney Todd; The Observer, London
Die Rolle eines Novizen auf dem Schiff von Vere, der unter die ungerechten Strafen von John Claggart leiden muß, ist auf dem ersten Blick eine Nebenrolle, die mit einer Nachwuchskraft ausreichend abzudecken ist. Das Credo des Genfer Intendanten Hugues Gall, daß eine Opernproduktion gleichmäßig besetzt werden muß und exzellente Leistungen in tragenden Rollen ihre WIrkung durch Unsicherheiten in Nebenrollen einbüßen, machen sich segenreich bemerkbar: mit Doug Jones stand eine hervorragende Kraft auf der Bühne die das Leiden einer geschundenen Kreatur ergreifend darstellen konnte.
“The role of a novice on Vere’s ship, who suffers from the unjust punishments of John Claggart, is at first glance a supporting role that must be adequately covered with a young talent. The credo of the Geneva-based director Hugues Gall, that an opera production must be evenly cast and that excellent performances in principal roles lose their whirlwinds due to uncertainties in supporting roles, is made blessedly noticeable: with Doug Jones stood an outstanding power on stage that could poignantly depict the suffering of a stricken creature.”
- Billy Budd; Opern Welt, Geneva
Tenus par d’excellents chanteurs pas toujours à l’aise dans l’acoustique ingrate de Bastille (à exception de Robert Tear, Eric Halfvarson et de Doug Jones) ….
“Held by excellent singers not always at ease in the ungrateful acoustics of Bastille (with the exception of Robert Tear, Eric Halfvarson and Doug Jones) ….”
- Billy Budd; Le Monde, Paris
Parmi les seconds rôles, parfois très courts mais toujours bien dessinés par Britten qui possédait ce génie de la caractérisation musicale, il faut citer le Novice de Doug Jones …
“Among the supporting roles, sometimes very short but always well drawn by Britten who possessed this genius of musical characterization, we must mention the Novice of Doug Jones …”
- Billy Budd; Le Concertographie, Paris
Especially moving was the anguish of Doug Jones, who played the ‘novice.’ The versatility of this young tenor (recently seen in Seattle’s ‘Tristan,’ ‘Boris Godunov,’ and ‘Magic Flute’) is most impressive!
- Billy Budd; Seattle Gay News
Doug Jones, who sang and acted Kudryash with a lively feeling for character and a particularly fluent way with Janacek’s conversational vocal manner, seemed like a first-rate comprimario tenor in the making.
- Katya Kabanova; San Diego Reader
Unter den Solisten war es vor allem ein Abend der starken Frauen. Deutliche Ausnahme: Doug Jones in der von der Regie etwas verzappelten Rolle des Lehrers Kudriasch.
“Among the soloists, it was above all an evening of strong women. Significant exception: Doug Jones in the somewhat fidgety role of the teacher Kudriasch.”
- Katya Kabanova; DRS Reflexe, Basel
In die Kategorie dieser ‘Entdeckung’ ist auch Doug Jones in der schillernden, zwischen Schüchternheit, Skeptik und pubertärer Romantik oszillierenden Rolle des Lehrers Kudrjasch einzureihen.
“Doug Jones is also in the category of this ‘discovery’ in the dazzling role of the teacher Kudrjasch, oscillating between shyness, skepticism and puberty romance.”
- Katya Kabanova; Badauer Tagblatt, Basel
Die verblüffendste Leistung aber ist die des Tenors Doug Jones, der den Kudrjasch zu unglaublicher Diktionsschärfe und Textverständlichkeit führt.
“But the most astonishing achievement is that of the tenor Doug Jones, who guides Kudrjasch to unbelievable diction sharpness and text intelligibility.”
- Katya Kabanova; Baseler Zeitung
Doug Jones’ clear, pure tenor illuminated the vital role of the Holy Fool.
- Boris Godunov; The Seattle Times
In some cases, the acting was also effective, especially in the case of Doug Jones, who sang the small but important role of the Holy Fool. Indeed, the scene in which he alone confronts Boris about the murder he committed in order to become Tsar was for me the most effective in the whole opera. Jones, who has wowed us with such diverse portrayals as the Sailor in Tristan und Isolde and the vile Monostatos in The Magic Flute, again showed himself to be not only a fine tenor but a true artist as well.
- Boris Godunov; Seattle Gay News
Doug Jones sang the Simpleton with appropriate poignancy.
- Boris Godunov; Los Angeles Times, San Diego
Dafür darf Warlaam von Henk Smit mit praller Deftigkeit prunken, und auch sein Begleiter Missail wird von Doug Jones stark aufgewertet.
“For this, Warlaam of Henk Smit is allowed to boast with plump ribaldry, and his companion Missail is also greatly enhanced by Doug Jones.”
- Boris Godunov (Missail); Opern Welt, Geneva
… et Doug Jones Gastone de Létorières débordant d’énergie et de santé vocale et à qui la mise en scène donnait plus d’importance que de coutume.
” … and Doug Jones Gastone of Létorières, brimming with energy and vocal health, and to whom the staging gave more importance than usual.”
- La Traviata; En Concert, Bordeaux
Il voyage avec son Sancho, le bon Lamme (l’excellent Doug Jones, superbe ténor) …
“He travels with his Sancho, the good Lamme (the excellent Doug Jones, superb tenor) …”
- Till Eulenspiegel; Ouest-France, Nantes
Le ténor américain Doug Jones éclate littèralement dans le personnage du fidèle Lamme.
“American tenor Doug Jones bursts literally into the character of the faithful Lamme.”
- Till Eulenspiegel; Opera, Nantes
Doug Jones, an invaluable company regular, made the most of his opportunities (including a fine serenade) as Beppe.
- I Pagliacci; The Seattle Times
Doug Jones’ Beppo, no surprise, was first-class.
- I Pagliacci; Seattle Post-Intelligencer
A the other end of the morality scale came Lord Lechery, who was deliciously, and unapologetically, portrayed by Doug Jones.
- The Pilgrim's Progress; Newsmax, Orleans
Doug Jones sang the high tenor aria of Lord Lechery with great gusto and precision, no mean feat as the music soars and swoops all over the map, with plenty of rhythmic tricks to boot.
- The Pilgrim's Progress; Large Stage Live Blogspot, Orleans
… and Doug Jones, doubling as the sailor and the shepherd, gave solid performances.
- Tristan und Isolde; The New York Times, Seattle
I liked the singing of Doug Jones (the sailor and shepherd) for its purity and simplicity.
- Tristan und Isolde; Seattle Post-Intelligencer
The smaller roles also were taken, with major singers like Doug Jones ….. lighting up the stage.
- Parsifal; The Seattle Times